Asheville -- October 28, 2024: City of Asheville:  Beginning today, October 28, City sanitation crews will start collecting

leaves in paper bags and personal containers labeled as "yard waste" that contain small sticks or leaves.

The City encourages the community to consider waiting as long as possible to set out leaves for collection, or alternatively to compost their leaves. This will help make the storm debris removal process more efficient.

Residents can use a mulching mower to run over the leaves, allowing them to compost directly into the lawn. Another option is to rake the leaves into a compost pile, which will decompose over time and serve as a beneficial soil additive for gardening purposes.

Leaves will be collected on a bi-weekly schedule.

Important Guidelines:

> No storm debris will be collected by City crews.
> Place leaf bags or containers (marked as "brush") at the street by 7 a.m. on Monday of your collection week.
> Use reusable containers or biodegradable paper yard bags only—plastic bags are NOT permitted.
> Do not tie bags or place lids on containers.
> Do not mix trash with bagged leaves.
> If using a container, please write “yard waste” on it for easy identification.

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