Rutherford County -- August 21, 2023: Kevin Clifford Marks, 58, was sentenced in Rutherford County
Superior Court on Thursday, August 10, 2023.

 Marks an active sentence of a minimum of 198 months and a maximum of 250 months in the North Carolina Department of Adult Correction. Senior Resident Superior Court Judge J. Thomas Davis oversaw the proceeding and imposed the sentence.

Marks was charged with Attempted First Degree Murder which he plead guilty to during the court proceeding.

The Attempted First Degree Murder charge stemmed from an incident that occurred on August 4, 2014, and extended into August 5, 2014, in which Marks fired upon Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office Deputies with a 12 gauge shotgun.
Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office Captain Stephen Ellis was struck directly and was injured by being shot with projectiles from the 12 gauge shotgun. Sheriff’s Deputies Billy Scoggins and Warren Sprouse were injured by being struck with shrapnel.

Assistant District Attorney Kent Brown presented the case in court.

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