Macon County -- Macon County Sheriff's Office: A traffic stop conducted on February 20 by our Criminal Interdiction Unit resulted in two arrests

and the seizure of approximately 48 grams of Methamphetamine and 13 grams of Fentanyl. 

Casey Smith has been charged with: 

2 counts of Trafficking Methamphetamine 
2 counts of Trafficking Opium/Heroin 
Assault on a Female
Assault to Inflict Serious Injury 
Maintain Vehicle/Dwelling
Possession Schedule I controlled substance 
PWIMSD Methamphetamine 
PWIMSD Schedule II Controlled Substance
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia 
Carrying Concealed Gun
Flee/Alude Arrest 


Kerrigan Leah Welch has been charged with: 

2 counts of Trafficking Methamphetamine 
2 counts of Trafficking Opium/Heroin 
Maintain Vehicle/Dwelling
Possession Schedule I controlled substance 
PWIMSD Methamphetamine 
PWIMSD Schedule II Controlled Substance
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia 
Carrying Concealed Gun

Editor's Note: A  criminal charge is an accusation, by law, a person accused of a crime is innocent until proven in a court of law.


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