2024 Homeowner Grant Program Applications Re-Open Post-Helene
Buncombe County -- November 8, 2024: Press Release: Buncombe County is re-opening applications for the 2024 Homeowner Grant Program to give the community impacted by Hurricane Helene more time to complete and submit their applications.
Applications will be open November 11-15.
Phone support will be available in any language.
Through this program, qualified homeowners will have an opportunity to receive financial assistance for housing-related costs. These funds can be applied to property tax bills and/or paid and applied to other housing-related obligations such as housing costs, mortgage, or homeowner’s insurance.
Applicants may qualify for up to $300 in unincorporated Buncombe County and up to $500 in the City of Asheville. Applicants who received grants last year will need to reapply.
Payments are made directly to the source of the approved bill. Payments will not be made directly to individuals.
There are several new aspects to this year’s program including new eligibility requirements, and now mobile-home owners may receive the grants.
Eligibility requirements include:
You must have owned and lived in your home for 5 years or more
Your home must be your primary and only residence
Your household income is at or below 80% of area median income (AMI)
Your household cannot already be receiving tax deferment assistance like elderly/disabled, or Veterans exemptions.
You must not have more than $60,000 in liquid resources (for example: your cash on hand, checking & savings accounts combined, or other investments available to you within 7 days
Buncombe County Government Press Release
Image: Buncombe County Government