Asheville -- August 24, 2022: School starts in less than a week and the City of Asheville wants you to do a refresh!
We all need to be reminded as kids go back to school

the rules of the road that keeps them safe!

Passing a stopped school bus can be a costly mistake.

A motorist convicted for passing a stopped school bus in North Carolina can face a fine of up to $200. The result is also 5 points on your license. A significant increase in your car insurance often follows.

 The penalties for the Class I Misdemeanor of passing a stopped school bus with the stop arm deployed include:

revocation of the individual’s driver’s license for 30 days for the first offense.
 up to 120 days in jail and
significant discretionary fines by the court.
Penalties for the Class I Felony of passing a stopped school bus and striking a child, causing bodily injury  include:

punishable by 15 month in prison
given fines discretionary by the court
So slow down. Asheville City Schools start Monday, August 29.  Allow time during your morning commute for the increased traffic the school year brings.


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