SPINDALE --  Kentucky State Police announced that the case of a missing women for over thirty years is now closed.


In June of last year Kentucky State Police took to social media with identifying the "red-headed Jane Doe." This woman was found dead on April 1, 1985, at a refrigerator dumpsite, age between 25-35, wearing two different kinds of necklaces. One with an eagle and one with a heart pendant. 

Law enforcement were told by witnesses at that time the unknown woman was last seen at a truck stop in Corbin, Kentucky, trying to get a ride to North Carolina. 

In October last year, after putting information about "red-headed Jane Doe"  asking for the public's help identifying her, the family of Espy Regina Black-Pilgrim contacted the KSP.

DNA samples were taken from family members of Pilgrim's family.  

It was a match. 

The murder investigation continues.




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