Pinhead Graveyard -- Canton, NC: 2020 has certainly been a trying time for every person in the world. We at Pinhead’s

Graveyard hope that all of our extended family, those who come each and every year, have and remain well throughout this pandemic.

In June the mountain where Pinhead has called home the past 9 years was sold to Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy. The land will eventually be deeded back to Canton, but in the interim they have evicted everyone from the property. We have been working closely with the town of Canton to secure a new location for this year and they have been wonderful in assisting us. Even though building from scratch (in less than a month) was going to be a tremendous undertaking, we were ready and prepared for the monumental task.

However, with the announcement of NC Phase 2.5 only a few days ago, outside gatherings will be limited to 50 people. Once you consider the amount of people it takes to operate, it leaves us with non-existent wiggle room to safely operate and provide the proper experience you deserve. Also, making sure every person in the community stays safe and Covid free is the number one priority during these unprecedented times. Opening Pinhead’s this year and potentially exposing people to the virus would be very negligent on our part. That being said, we have decided to close Pinhead’s Graveyard in 2020, hoping to assist with keeping our community and Western North Carolina safe and doing our part to stop the spread of the virus.

We have a major announcement coming later in the year with regards to 2021. We certainly cannot wait to share what we have in store for you. 2021 will be our 25th year and Pinhead’s Graveyard as you know it will be reborn and revamped into something bigger and better than we have ever done before. We have such sights to show you and 2021 will be something you simply cannot miss.

Thank you for your continued support, please stay safe and well, because we cannot wait to see everyone next year at the all new Pinhead’s Graveyard.

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