4-20-20 Haywood County COVID-19 Call Center Hours Updated
Haywood County -- Haywood County COVID-19 Beginning Monday, April 20, the Haywood County COVID-19 Hotline hours will be adjusted from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., 7 days a week to the new hours of Monday - Saturday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The Center will be closed on Sunday.
The Hotline number 828-356-2019 remains the same.
After an initial high volume of calls, those numbers have tapered off some, making it possible now to reduce the hours and staffing in order to give the hardworking county health nurses and librarians who have been answering calls a break.
The nurses and library staff have been doing an excellent job fielding calls and answering questions during this difficult time and their efforts have been invaluable thus far, said Greg Shuping, director, Haywood County Emergency Services.