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  • Dough House Donuts: All the donations and shares last week got our GoFundMe up by nearly $1000! THANK YOOOOOU!!!
    We are still not out of hot water, however. The money weā€™ve raised so far has helped us each week with our foot traffic and sales...
    Dough House Donuts: All the donations and shares last week got our GoFundMe up by nearly $1000! THANK YOOOOOU!!!
    We are still not out of hot water, however. The money weā€™ve raised so far has helped us each week with our foot traffic and sales both in such a steep decline. Thinking back to our previous 2 holiday seasons at DH, itā€™s one of the many daily reminders we get about how much was lost and how far away we are from ā€œnormal.ā€ I totally almost lost it yesterday when I saw the same pile of debris by the i40 on ramp that Iā€™ve been looking at since September. Yesterday it just looked so much worse for some reason.
    OKAY GETTING MISTY AND ITā€™S TOO EARLY FOR THAT. My point here is that we at Dough House still need all the support youā€™re willing to give, but so does everyone else who lives here. If you feel like youā€™ve donated enough to us, please consider donating to someone else. Iā€™m meeting more people everyday without homes, pets, family members. If you know someone whoā€™s trying to raise money tag their account in the comments and weā€™ll repost them. (And Iā€™d love it if you could please share ours again, too šŸ™)
    Thanks for everything yā€™all! #doughhousedonuts #avl #asheville
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