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  • Buncombe County Schools: 🎁 Enka High School students went above and beyond this year for their annual Elves for Enka project.
    During the last week before Winter Break, Enka High’s Student Government Association (SGA) filled gift bags with...
    Buncombe County Schools: 🎁 Enka High School students went above and beyond this year for their annual Elves for Enka project.
    During the last week before Winter Break, Enka High’s Student Government Association (SGA) filled gift bags with hoodies, T-shirts, snacks, toiletry items, and goodies in preparation for a distribution party on Dec. 19. Thanks to generous community support, the gift bags went to 180 students who could use some extra support going into the holidays. The distribution party featured ice cream donated by the EHS Men’s Basketball team, movies, and a station for students to wrap presents for their families.
    Each year, Elves for Enka brings the whole community together. Students hold a friendly competition to see which class can raise the most money. The EHS Student Services Department also raises money and buys the clothes, toiletries, and other goodies that fill the gift bags. The Biltmore Lake Community supports Elves for Enka through their Giving Garland project, and local businesses and individuals pitch in. The SGA organizes the fundraiser and assembles the bags.
    “We want everyone to feel special going into the holidays,” said EHS Senior Class President Carson Goforth. “This year we had a lot more help from the community and students, so we were able to fill more bags.” #enkahigh #buncombecountyschools
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