Buncombe County -- Buncombe County Government Community News: Dec 10, 2020 COVID-19 infections have been rising at

rapid rates in recent weeks. There have been more than 1 million positive cases of COVID-19 reported nationwide in the past week and the weekly hospitalization rate is at the highest that it has been since the beginning of the pandemic.

What if you test positive for COVID-19?

It is important to get tested if you are symptomatic or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. If your results indicate a positive test, Buncombe County is here to support you. We want people to know that testing, treatment, and safe isolation and quarantine resources are available here in Buncombe County.

Managing Symptoms at Home

Most people who test positive for COVID-19 experience mild illness and can recover at home. It is crucial to isolate yourself from other people and monitor your symptoms for any potential decline.

To learn more about what you can do to manage your COVID-19 symptoms at home, click here for English and Spanish.

What If I Am Uninsured?

If you do not have any health coverage at the time of your service, instead of billing you directly, your provider can submit a claim and receive their payment promptly through the Health Resources & Service Administration (HRSA) COVID-19 Uninsured Program. Check with your provider to be sure they are participating in the HRSA program.

What If I Need Somewhere to Quarantine or Isolate?

If you test positive for COVID-19 or have been exposed to COVID-19 but do not have access to safe and secure housing so that you can stay away from others, you may be eligible to stay at the Buncombe County Isolation & Quarantine Facility. If you believe you need to stay at our I&Q Facility, please call the Buncombe County Communicable Disease nurses at 828-250-5109 to determine your eligibility and potential placement.

When Can I Be Around People?

If you test positive and are experiencing mild to moderate symptoms, you should stay home, as much as possible, and avoid others in your household until you can answer ‘yes’ to ALL three of the following:

Has it been at least 10 days since you first had symptoms?
Has it been at least 24 hours since you have had a fever without using fever-reducing medicine?
Have your other symptoms improved (such as coughing or shortness of breath)?
If you test positive and never develop symptoms, you should stay home and avoid others in your household until 10 days have passed since the date of your positive test. If you develop a severe illness, you may need to consult with a healthcare provider to decide whether you need to wait longer and/or have additional testing before being around people.

Find more information at www.buncombeready.org

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