Buncombe County -- Buncombe County Government Community News: Join the conversation to hear firsthand accounts from community youth as they shine a light on the impact of COVID-19 on students and their families.

  During this edition, we will feature Buncombe County student voices, amplifying their stories, perspectives and insights on living through a global pandemic. 

This discussion will take place on Facebook Live in English (@buncombegov) and in Spanish (@bchhs). But if you miss out, don't worry, because it will be recorded and available to view both on Facebook, YouTube, and on BCTV, Charter/Spectrum channel 192.

This youth led and youth co-moderated discussion will use the Head, Heart, and Hands framework:

·         Head – Learning in a virtual environment during COVID?

·         Heart – Connecting the dots on Connections, Stressors and Resilience During COVID

·         Hands – Finding Support, Addressing Challenges, and Centering Action in Values

Combining these three elements will support a lively, real life discussion as we learn what is important to youth, and how we can better support their resilience during COVID-19.

Please click the link below to join the webinar once it begins.

Únete a la conversación y escucha de primera mano los cuentos de jóvenes de la comunidad que echan luz sobre los impactos de COVID-19 en los estudiantes y sus familias. En esta edición, presentamos a las voces de estudiantes del Condado de Buncombe, amplificando sus historias, perspectivas, y conocimientos de vivir durante una pandemia global. Esta discusión, liderada y co-moderada por jóvenes, utilizará el marco “Cabeza, Corazón, y Manos”:

Cabeza – ¿Aprender en un entorno virtual durante COVID?
Corazón – Conectar los puntos en conexiones, las cosas que causan estrés, y la resiliencia durante COVID
Manos – Encontrar apoyos, dirigirse a los desafíos, y centrar las acciones en los valores

Combinar estos tres elementos apoyará una discusión energética y de la vida real mientras aprendemos qué es lo importante para los jóvenes, y cómo podemos apoyar mejor a su resiliencia durante COVID-19.

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Article Information
Updated Oct 23, 2020 01:53 PM
Published Oct 21, 2020 12:00 AM

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