Native American/Vietnam Vet Mocked by 'MAGA' hat Teen Mob

Friday, a mob of teens wearing 'MAGA' hats blocked the Indigenous Peoples MARCH at the Lincoln as it reacehed its end. 

 Nathan Phillips, a Native American elder with the Omaha tribe and Vietnam War veteran, shares how he felt after he was mocked by a crowd of teenagers wearing "Make America Great Again" hats during the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington. 

The video has gone viral.

Native American/Vietnam Vet Mocked by 'MAGA' hat Teen Mob

Native American/Vietnam Vet Mocked by 'MAGA' hat Teen Mob

Friday, a mob of teens wearing 'MAGA' hats blocked the Indigenous Peoples MARCH at the Lincoln as it reacehed its end. 

 Nathan Phillips, a Native American elder with the Omaha tribe and Vietnam War veteran, shares how he felt after he was mocked by a crowd of teenagers wearing "Make America Great Again" hats during the Indigenous Peoples March in Washington. 

The video has gone viral.

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