Polk County --  Polk County Emergency Management/Fire Marshal:  As of 2:30 pm the fire size is 619 acres with 91% containment. Crews have

worked hard all day to reinforce fire

 lines and finish burnout operations.
As of 5:00 pm today, the North Carolina Forest Service will be clearing most of their crews and turn fire operations over to the local NCFS Ranger and Division 1. 

There will be no night operation due to safety concerns with the forecasted high winds. Local fire crews will have their stations staffed and ready to respond if needed.

Please be extra careful if you have to drive or live on 176. With the rain forecasted we just do not know how stable the ground is where the fire was burning. We could see fallen trees, boulders and potential slides in this area if we receive a lot of rain. The National Weather Service will be monitoring the weather and will keep emergency officials updated overnight. 

I cannot thank the many fire departments and other emergency personnel that have assisted us during the fire. We are blessed to have the help we received. Again thank you to all the citizens and businesses that offered food, drinks, and supplies. It was greatly appreciated by all of us.

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