North Carolina --  U.S. Forest Service North Carolina reported the following this morning: The U.S. Forest Service is responding to multiple

wildfires across the Forests in North Carolina including areas of the Croatan, Nantahala, Uwharrie, and Pisgah. Red flag warnings persist bringing gusty winds, low relative humidity, dry fuels

and shifting winds. Firefighters are working to contain the fires throughout the following forests and districts.

Nantahala National Forest 

McClure Road Fire (Tusquitee Ranger District, Cherokee County) ~20 acres, located 6 miles southwest along US-64.
Pisgah National Forest 
Hicks Cemetery Fire (Appalachian Ranger District, Haywood County) ~20 acres, located on the west side of the Pigeon River west of I-40 at Cold Springs Creek Road/Forest Road 288.

Uwharrie National Forest

Falls Dam ~25 acres, (Montgomery County) located south of the Art Lily Campground and North of the Yadkin River Dam Overlook. 
Croatan National Forest
Ramshorn Fire (Cartaret County) ~114 acres, located ~3 miles west of Ashley Place/US Route 70 adjacent to Nine Foot Road.


Image: WNCTimes

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