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  • Hendersonville Police Department

    Detective LaRowe was recognized with a life-saving award for his actions while working off-duty at a local church. While working this assignment, a church member approached Eric signaling that he was choking and...
    Hendersonville Police Department

    Detective LaRowe was recognized with a life-saving award for his actions while working off-duty at a local church. While working this assignment, a church member approached Eric signaling that he was choking and could not breathe. Eric immediately reacted and performed the Heimlich maneuver, trying to clear the object that was preventing the person from breathing.

    After several attempts, Detective LaRowe was able to dislodge the obstruction and restore breathing to the individual. Once the obstruction was removed, Eric immediately called EMS to ensure no other obstructions existed. Because of Eric’s training and decisive action, he prevented a life-threatening situation from resulting in a person’s death. There is no doubt that without his efforts, the person would have almost certainly died.

    #communitynews #community #wnccommunity #hendersonville #hendersoncoumty

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