Waynesville -- May 1, 2023: A new addition to its thriving downtown area in the form of a boutique hotel.

The 75-room Marriott hotel will be situated just one block from Main Street, and promises to be a welcome addition
to the town's burgeoning tourist industry.

The preliminary plans for the hotel indicate that it will be a five-story building, standing at 60 feet tall. Developers have been quick to emphasize that this will be a smaller boutique hotel that fits perfectly with Waynesville's unique character. The hotel's size and design will blend seamlessly into the surrounding area, preserving the historic charm of the downtown district.

Visitors to the hotel will be greeted by a main entrance off Montgomery Street, which will feature a convenient pull-up unloading area for guests. The building will directly abut the sidewalk along Depot Street, creating a welcoming atmosphere that seamlessly integrates with the town's pedestrian-friendly streetscape.

One of the most exciting features of the hotel will be the ground floor, which will include two leased spaces for retail or restaurants. One of these will face Depot Street, while the other will face Montgomery. These spaces promise to become popular destinations for both tourists and locals alike, providing a lively and dynamic addition to the town's already thriving culinary and retail scenes.

The majority of rooms in the hotel will be single kings, with some double queens also available. This will provide guests with a comfortable and luxurious stay, while also ensuring that the hotel remains an intimate and welcoming space.

If authorized, this would be the sole hotel in downtown Waynesville.

Parking at the close-by Justice Center parking deck would be made available to hotel visitors under a lease agreement.

Still required is for developers to go through the formal town permitting procedure. A public hearing will be held before the project is presented to the Waynesville Planning Board.


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