BREVARD-- Did you know that Pisgah Inn was voted Number 1? The Inn is First in the category: National Park Lodge by USA Today!


1) Pisgah Inn - Blue Ridge Parkway

2) Many Glacier Hotel - Glacier National Park

3) Jackson Lake Lodge - Grand Teton National Park

4) El Tovar - Grand Canyon National Park

5) Lake Crescent Lodge - Olympic National Park

6) Crater Lake Lodge - Crater Lake National Park

7) Old Faithful Inn - Yellowstone National Park

8) Paradise Inn - Mount Rainier National Park

9) Ahwahnee - Yosemite National Park

10) Chisos Mountains Lodge - Big Bend National Park

 The contest was promoted on 10Best and USA TODAY.

Congrats to Pisgah Inn!

If you would like to check out the inn online, just go to their website, 

Pisgah Inn, located at 5000 feet elevation, on the Blue Ridge Parkway, has 50 rooms, private porches or balconies. Beautiful views of the Pisgah Forest and Looking Glass Rock!

The Inn is open from April through October.

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