Asheville -- The North Carolina Department of Transportation cut millions from the initial cost estimate for the northern segment of the Asheville I-26 Connector.
The NCDOT and Archer-Wright Joint Venture recently completed an Optimization and Refinement (O&R) process for the project, resulting in a total savings of $124 million and an updated cost estimate of $1.023 billion.
Bridge construction was the most cost-effective part of the procedure. The team saved more than $63 million by lowering the number and width of bridges crossing the French Broad River.
This segment of the I-26 Connector will significantly improve car, bicycle, and pedestrian access to and through downtown Asheville. Construction of this segment will eliminate interstate traffic from the Capt. Jeff Bowen bridges, enabling for new multi-modal linkages and safer interchanges with local roads.
NCDOT plans to host a public project update meeting this spring to give the community a chance to ask officials questions and see the details of the plan for the northern section of the I-26 Connector up close.
NCDOT plans to move forward with the project on its original schedule with completion expected in 2031.
Source: NCDOT
Image: WNCTimes

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