BEARS: Birdseed is NOT a Part of a Balanced Bear Diet
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services: April 22, 2024: Spring! It's giving: birds, buds, and BEARS. Birdseed is NOT a Part of a Balanced Bear Diet,
so don’t let flightless and fuzzy friends take advantage of lingering feed. If bears are fed human-supplied food, they can become repeat visitors and lose their fear of humans, cause property damage, and harm people, pets, and livestock.
Here’s what OUT for a safer spring:
Bird feeders: Bring em’ in, folks! Do not entice hungry bears to your neighborhood with easy eats.
Unsecured trash: Keep garbage cans indoors and use bear-resistant garbage cans
Surprise bears: Communicate with your neighbors and let them know that a bird feeder-free spring makes everybody safer
For a harmonious season, here’s what’s IN:
Native plants and flowers are alternatives to traditional bird feeders and provide food and habitat for other pollinators too.
Bring in outdoor pet food and keep outdoor furniture and cooking areas clean.
Respectful Viewing: If you happen to see a bear, keep a safe distance away (at least 300 feet away). Keep dogs on a leash, as off-leash dogs may encounter and bring a bear back with them.
Photo by Tim Bowman/USFWS
Cover Image: WNCTimes