PRESS RELEASE NC Department of Health and Human Services 



Apr 20, 2018

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has been approved by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to begin a pilot project in Cumberland, Durham, Johnston and Wake counties to offer rehabilitation services for adults who have suffered traumatic brain injury on or after their 22nd birthday.

The approval is part of DHHS’ 1915(c) waiver request to CMS. To qualify, the adults must require the level of care for a nursing facility or specialty rehabilitation hospital. Up to 49 individuals may be served in the first year, expanding to 107 by the third year. The TBI pilot will be administered by Alliance Behavioral Healthcare.

“This waiver is an important milestone in North Carolina’s commitment to improving the life and well-being of individuals who experience a traumatic brain injury,” said DHHS Secretary Mandy Cohen, M.D. “The waiver includes rehabilitation services such as supported employment, life skills training, cognitive rehabilitation and day supports.”

The TBI waiver also includes extended occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech therapy; supportive services such as respite, home and vehicle modifications; and assistive technology, equipment and supplies. The TBI pilot program will launch in late summer.

People interested in learning more can contact Alliance Behavioral Healthcare’s Access and Information line by calling 1-800-510-9132 or by sending an email to

This press release is related to:
Medical Assistance Disability ServicesHealth BenefitsMedicaid

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