Residents invited to provide input for proposed West Asheville housing development
PRESS RELEASE -- June 1, 2018 City of Asheville
The City of Asheville is looking for resident input about a potential development at the intersection of Deaverview Road and Pisgah View Road in West Asheville See Map
City staff are seeking input on a proposed development called Cedar Hill, a residential project on 16 acres of City-owned land. City staff hope to work with developers to create an affordable housing community or a mixture of affordable housing, both rental and homeownership.
The project has not yet been designed. That’s why the City is checking in with residents to get input in this initial phase. Residents are invited to two community meetings to discuss this proposal:
5 to 7:30 p.m. June 5, Johnston Elementary, 230 Johnston Blvd.
5 to 7:30 p.m. June 26, Johnston Elementary, 230 Johnston Blvd.
City staff want to hear from residents and businesses on how they would like for the community to look, and what types of ideas they would support
The meetings are drop-in style. Staff will set up stations where people can discuss City goals and community needs, visions for the development and the results of a recently completed market study.
The information gathered will inform the prequalification stage of the project, when City staff issue an RFQ (request for qualifications), expected this summer.
For more information, contact Asheville Housing Development Specialist Paul D’Angelo at 828-251-4098 or pdangelo@ashevillenc.gov.