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Science -- April 18, 2022: Cichlids and stingrays can perform simple addition and subtraction in the number range of one to five. This has been shown in a recent study by the University of Bonn, which has now been published in the journal Scientific Reports. It is not known what the animals need their mathematical abilities for.

Science News -- April 14, 2022 :Computers are becoming smaller and more powerful, yet they still need a lot of energy to run. Over the last decade, the quantity of energy dedicated to computers in the United States has increased considerably, and it is soon nearing that of other key industries, such as transportation.

Health for our pets is so important to pet owners. We deal with information overload. It can become so confusing and
overwhelming, not to mention seem like an endless moneypit. Wnctimes takes a look at how we can because we are 
pet owners, too!

Health -- For those with diabetes, controlling blood sugar levels necessitates round-the-clock vigilance.
A healthier diet and more physical activity can help, but many people with diabetes need to take insulin shots on a daily.

Science News -- April 4, 2022: Researchers have utilized computer models to show that weather events such as suddendownpours could be influenced by modest changes to specific weather system factors.

Science -- March 20, 2022: Soft robots can now be coated in materials that allow them to move and function
more purposefully, according to physicists. The study, performed by the University of Bath in the United Kingdom,

What Is Daylight Saving Time and How Does It Work? The interval between spring and fall when many people set their clocks forward one hour is known as daylight saving time (DST). People in the United States currently "spring forward" by moving

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