North Carolina -- May 4, 2023: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS)

has launched a new campaign for 2023, called "Fight the Bite", aimed at educating the public about
the importance of protecting themselves from mosquito-borne illnesses.

The campaign emphasizes the need for individuals to take proactive measures to protect themselves and their families from mosquito bites. The NCDHHS stresses avoiding being bitten by mosquitoes, especially during peak mosquito season in North Carolina, which typically runs from May through October.

According to the NCDHHS, mosquitoes can carry a variety of illnesses, including West Nile virus, Zika virus, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). These illnesses can cause serious health complications, including brain inflammation, and can even be fatal in some cases. Therefore, it is important for individuals to take preventative measures to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes.

The "Fight the Bite" campaign focuses on four key prevention strategies: wearing protective clothing, using insect repellent, eliminating standing water around homes, and ensuring screens on windows and doors are in good condition. By taking these preventative measures, individuals can greatly reduce their risk of mosquito-borne illnesses.

The NCDHHS has also provided resources for local communities to help spread the word about the campaign. The department has created posters, brochures, and social media graphics that can be used to educate the public about the importance of mosquito bite prevention.

"Ticks and mosquitoes are everywhere in North Carolina and their bites can cause serious diseases," said Alexis M. Barbarin, Ph.D., State Public Health Entomologist. "We encourage all North Carolinians to explore the outdoors but do so safely and take protective measures like using DEET or other EPA approved repellants."

Overall, the "Fight the Bite" campaign is an important initiative to help North Carolina residents protect themselves from mosquito-borne illnesses. By raising awareness and providing education about the importance of prevention, the NCDHHS is taking an important step towards reducing the spread of these potentially dangerous illnesses.

Tips on NCDHHS:

* Ticks live in wooded, grassy and brushy areas; frequenting these areas can put you in contact with ticks and increase the potential exposure to vector-borne diseases. To reduce exposure to ticks:

* Use repellent that contains DEET (or other EPA approved replicants) on exposed skin and wear clothing treated with a pesticide called permethrin. Use caution when applying to children. 
* Check yourself and your children for ticks if you have been in a tick habitat and remove them promptly.
Reduce tick habitats with selective landscaping techniques.

* Install or repair screens on windows and doors and use air conditioning if possible. 

* "Tip and Toss" — Reduce mosquito breeding by emptying standing water from flowerpots, gutters, buckets, pool covers, pet water dishes, discarded tires and birdbaths at least once a week.

Talk with your primary care provider or local health department if you plan to travel to an area where exotic mosquito-borne diseases occur. 

Find out more @ NCDHHS

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