National Women History Month



Today, we honor all of the moms at home, the unsung heroes! The moms at home, doing the balancing act of making the family look good, keeping the house in order, changing diapers, picking up toys, fixing meals, doing laundry, grocery shopping.

Moms at home don't get a pay check and so many times don't get respect, because they do stay at home. Moms that run their kids to the doctor's, dentist, orthodontist, speech thereapy, physical therapy, psychotherapy, extracurricular activities. Running to get school supplies, many times having to scrape money together to even get them.

There are many reasons moms are at home. It may be a choice, wanting to be there with their children before they start school, be there when they get home. Staying at home when children are in their teens.

Staying home may be the only choice. No car to get to a paid job. No babysitter, can't afford one. 

So many moms may be single or if not, might as well be... They are the only parent in the house. Some may get "child support" not enough to even cover a month's worth of a child's needs.

I am a mom, now a grandmother of six. My children are now raising their own families. I have been a stay-at-home mom, I have been employed outside of the home. Both are hard.  Both are Working Mothers.


Today, a shout out to all of the past moms at home, as well as the present. #RESPECT



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