World Earth Day is celebrated every year as an annual event by the people all across the world on 22nd of April in order to increase the awareness among people about the environment safety as well as to demonstrate the environmental protection measures




World Earth Day is celebrated every year as an annual event by the people all across the world on 22nd of April in order to increase the awareness among people about the environment safety as well as to demonstrate the environmental protection measures. First time, the world earth day was celebrated in the year 1970 and then started celebrating annually on global basis by almost 192 countries.

World Earth Day observance was started to celebrate as an annual event to get national support in order to better take care of the environmental safety by solving its issues. In 1969, there was a peace activist of the San Francisco named John McConnell who actively involved in starting this event and proposed a day to get together for the environmental safety. John McConnell had chosen this event to be celebrated in the spring equinox on 21st of March in 1970 whereas United States Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson had chosen this event to be celebrated on 22nd of April in 1970.

They had contacted the people to join this event to get together for solving their environmental issues for better future. During the first time celebration of the earth day millions of people shown their interest and participated to understand the motto of the event. Instead of deciding one date for the celebration of the earth day, it has been started celebrating on both of the dates. Generally, the earth day event celebration starts with the common practice of new trees plantation in the required areas worldwide.

For founding the earth day celebration date on 22nd of April, United States Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson was honored later with the Presidential Medal of Freedom Award for his participation in great job. Later, the 22nd of April as an Earth Day was focused globally by the original national coordinator, Denis Hayes in the year 1990 among almost 141 nations. Most of the earth day communities celebrate it for the whole week with the name Earth Week to focus on many environmental issues. In this way, 22nd of April 1970 has been marked as the anniversary of the modern environmental movement.

Earth Day 1970 was established to raise the public awareness for self consciousness, other living organisms, controlling the anti-war protest movement as well as keeping the environmental issues in front of the people. A big tragedy behind establishing the event of earth day celebration by the founder Gaylord Nelson (a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin) was tragedy of the massive oil spill in the Santa Barbara, California in 1969. This tragedy led the Gaylord Nelson towards enhancing the public consciousness for the air, water and soil pollution as well as implementing the environmental protection measures.



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