WNC Times is going to the dogs, and cats! At least once a week, we will feature pet information, pet stories. We love pets and want to share information and start conversations about them!


The numbered lines are from Huffing Post

9 Ways Pets Improve Our Lives 

1. They can help improve self-esteem

Research published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology shows that pet owners exhibit stronger self-esteem than non-pet-owners. What’s more, pet owners are more extroverted and less fearful than people who don’t own pets.

*I can relate to this so much! We always had pets when we were growing up! They accept us just as we are, no judgement. 

2. They can help reduce the risk of allergies .Contrary to popular belief, it seems owning a pet does not make you more susceptible to allergies.

In fact, studies suggest that being exposed to a pet early in life may decrease your risk of animal allergies later on. In research conducted on young adults, those who had a pet in their home during infancy were approximately 50 percent less likely to develop an allergic reaction to animals.

*This one really surprised me, it makes me sad because so many people are denied having pets in their lives. And so many lives of pets are lost because of this belief.

 3. They can help reduce our negativity

Much like thinking about a friend might help you feel less negative after a bad social experience, thinking about a pet has been suggested to have the same effect.

In a study conducted on 97 pet owners (see the Psychology Today article cited above), participants were unknowingly subjected to a negative social experience. They were then asked to either write about their best friend, their pet or draw a map of their college campus (the control group).

This study showed that the participants who wrote about their pet or their best friend both showed zero negative feelings and were equally happy, even after the negative social experience. The control group, however, continued to exhibit negative feelings.

*How true this is! As a child, the pets in my life made me happy when I was sad. Just thinking about getting off of the school bus, knowing my pets were waiting to greet me was exciting! As an adult, they have made me smile in the morning (I am not much of a morning person) help me in sad times, get me out of the a bad mood.

4. They can help reduce loneliness

In addition to boosting self-esteem, pets can also reduce the amount of loneliness we feel.

One study found that people with pet dogs reported having their social needs fulfilled just as effectively by their pets as by their friends. The research subjects reported that their dogs provided them with a strong sense of self-esteem, belonging and a meaningful existence.

Unlike the stereotype, however, people do not seem to rely on their pets more when their human interactions are lacking. That is, people don’t turn solely to their pets in lieu of having friends but, rather, enjoy their pets’ company in addition to the company of their friends.

*Love this one! Pets give us unconditional love, as well as teaching us to love unconditionally. I enjoy being with them. They just are so full of love, for me, for life!

5. They make us feel supported.

Studies have also revealed that pet owners feel they receive just as much support from their pets as they do from their family members. Much like the example above, people report feeling closer to their pets when they also feel close to important people in their lives.

*Oh, yes, pets help me through heartache, illness, stress, this roller coaster called life!

6. They help make us want to stay healthier

It’s really hard to sit on the couch all day and watch TV when your dog or cat is begging for attention. Maybe it’s because of this that studies have shown that pet owners are healthier and more active than non-pet-owners (Whether you’re dragging a toy around your house for your cat or taking your dog on a casual walk, you’re getting some exercise. Of course, dog owners, especially, are likely to do more walking, which is great for your health and mood.

*I go for lots of walks throughout the day with our dog. We have fun, I get outside, close to nature, get my energy level up, and I hit my goal for steps almost every day!

7. They can help make us less stressed

Studies have shown that pets can help reduce stress and comfort us even more than our friends and spouses. Their unconditional love and the fact that they don’t judge us make pets the best support system during stressful times.

*Wow, I have had so many times in my life when my stress level was high! Pets unconditional love and acceptance is the best destressor!

8. They draw other people to us

Opposite to the myth of the “crazy cat lady” who lives alone with her 12 felines and zero friends, studies have found that owing a pet can actually improve our human relationships and draw others to us.

*Yep, people who live around me know me because of my walks with my dog. The cats I have had over the years have changed the minds of people who didn't like cats!

9. They can help stabilize our blood pressure.

Lastly and possibly most impressively, owning a pet can actually help reduce your blood pressure.

While medications like ACE inhibiting drugs can reduce high blood pressure, such medications aren’t effective enough to control blood pressure spikes due to tension and stress.

Adopting an animal from your local ASPCA or other adoption center is the best thing you can do for him or her. When left on the street, animals are likely to die from starvation, vehicle accidents and disease. However, reputable animal shelters make sure to properly vaccinate and rehabilitate animals before they are put up for adoption, so you can be sure that the animal you’re adopting will be a good fit for your family.

Ask your local shelter today about adopting a senior pet, and improve the life of both your pet and yourself.


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