Buffalo, New York, became the stage for an unexpected comedic moment on December 7th, 2023, when Chevy Chase, the iconic actor and comedian, took an unplanned tumble off the stage at Shea's Performing Arts Center.

The incident occurred during a Q&A session following a screening of the beloved holiday classic, "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation."

Chase, grappling with mobility issues, had been navigating the event in a wheelchair. However, as he rose from his seat to approach the edge of the stage, intending to acknowledge the audience with a friendly wave, the unforeseen happened – he lost his balance and gracefully fell off the stage.

What could have been a potentially awkward moment turned into a masterclass in comedic recovery. Chase, displaying the same quick wit that made him a household name, promptly stood up, brushed himself off, and climbed back onto the stage. Taking the opportunity to showcase his legendary sense of humor, he playfully looked at his smartwatch and quipped, “Wait, wait, my watch is talking to me. It says, ‘I see you’ve taken a great fall.’”

The audience, initially stunned, erupted into laughter, appreciating Chase's ability to turn an unexpected mishap into a lighthearted moment. This incident was reminiscent of Chase's storied history on Saturday Night Live, where he became known for his slapstick falls and physical comedy.

At the age of 80, Chase's resilience and humor shone through, proving that even a fall off the stage couldn't rattle the seasoned entertainer. The mishap, far from overshadowing the event, added an extra layer of charm and authenticity to the evening, making it an unforgettable experience for all in attendance.

In the end, Chevy Chase's inadvertent stage dive became a testament to his enduring comedic legacy and his ability to find humor even in the most unexpected situations. The laughter that echoed through Shea's Performing Arts Center that night will forever be a part of the Chevy Chase lore.
Below is a video of Chevy Chase falling in comedy skits on SNL.


WNCTimes December 11, 2023

Image Credit: WNCTimes

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