• Waynesville Police Department:: The Waynesville Police Department will host a basic self-defense class using the R.A.D. Defense System Techniques on March 15th at the WPD. This class is for WOMEN Only.
    The purpose of R.A.D. self-defense is to raise awareness about violence against women and provide participants with the skills necessary to defend against an assault or attack.
    We would like to limit the class to 20 people. If the class is full, we will schedule more classes and keep the public informed via Social Media Outlets. This class is FREE of charge, donations are accepted.
    If interested, please call Chief David Adams or Diane Robinson at the Waynesville Police Department (828) 456-8611 or email dadams@waynesvillenc.gov or drobinson@waynesville.gov .
    If you plan on attending, please wear comfortable clothing, athletic-type shorts, shirt, and athletic shoes with closed toes.
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