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2024 Winter Formal-A Red Carpet Event The 2024 Winter Formal Committee presents "A Red Carpet Event!" This is a fundr...
2024 Winter Formal-A Red Carpet Event

The 2024 Winter Formal Committee presents "A Red Carpet Event!" This is a fundraiser for the Black Mountain Home for Children.

About this Event

Ticket Prices:

- Admission Ticket $40.00

-Special pricing before January 15: $30.00.

- Tickets will NOT be available for sale at the door.

- Pre-paid tickets are electronic. Names will be listed at the door.

Attendees & Guests: This event is for homeschooled students and their friends aged 14 to 19. Guests are not required to be homeschooled, but they MUST be between the ages of 14 to 19 and purchase a ticket. We ask that each student abide by the ages listed above. Failure to do so will result in refusal of admittance or removal from the property. Due to insurance purposes, we can not allow participants to be outside the age range.

Attire: This is an elegant, formal evening. Guys -- think ties, suits, jackets, and tuxes. Girls -- think modest formal dresses, short or long.

Light refreshments will be provided.

- Winter Formal Committee

E liza Buckner- Chairman

Zoe Montgomery- Chairman

Paisley Adkins

Taylor Benfield

Andrew Buckner

Eli Montgomery

Davis Schatzle

Scout Schermerhorn

Oliva White

More Information and Tickets at Link Below

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