Boone -- December 14, 2024: McDowell Technical Community College entered into a formal partnership this week

with Appalachian State University’s Aspire Appalachian program, a four-year college transfer program which provides a streamlined path for students enrolled in community colleges to complete their bachelor’s degrees at nearby App State in Boone, NC. 

Dr. J.W. Kelley, MTCC President, and Dr. Neva Specht, Acting Provost at App State
The Aspire Appalachian program is designed to ensure a smooth and seamless transition for students between App State and McDowell Tech, boost degree completion rates and minimize student loan debt.

McDowell Tech hosted a signing ceremony on Thursday to formalize the agreement between the colleges. Dr. Neva J. Specht, Provost at App State, and Dr. J.W. Kelley, President at McDowell Tech, spoke briefly to students, staff and administrators before officially signing the partnership agreement. “McDowell Tech and App State share a vision of student success and economic mobility for all our students,” said Kelley. “This partnership provides a clear path for students to progress into their dream careers. With academic resources and the McDowell Tech culture of sincere, caring support, students can Start Their Dreams with us.” 

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Image: McDowell Tech

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