• Join the Hendersonville Police Department for National Night Out on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, from 3:30 to 6:30 PM at the Crosswalk Student Center, located at 577 Buncombe St.
    🀝 This free event encourages the community to meet and build relationships with the Officers of the Hendersonville Police Department, but it doesn't stop there!
    Activities Include:
    🌭 Free hot dogs & Pelican's Snoballs
    🌊 Officer dunk tank
    🍩 Donut decorating contest
    🎈 Bounce house & inflatable obstacle course
    πŸ¦‹ Face painting & glitter bar
    πŸš“ Check out emergency vehicles from the Hendersonville Police, Fire, and Public Works Departments, along with other agencies that serve Henderson County!
    πŸ¦™ Did we say llamas?!?
    πŸŽ‰ & MUCH MORE!
    Event parking will be at First United Methodist Church, located at 204 6th Avenue West, directly across the street from the event.
    #na#nationalnightoutco#communityevents #he#hendersonville#wn#wncnews
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