Tony Bennett, the renowned and beloved singer, passed away today at the age of 96, leaving behind a legacy that will forever resonate with generations to come. Born and raised in New York, his hometown, Bennett's musical journey was nothing shor...
On January 12, 2023, the world was shocked by the untimely passing of Lisa Marie Presley, the renowned singer, songwriter, and heir of the legendary Elvis Presley. At the age of 54, Lisa's death was attributed to the effects of a small bowel obstruct...
The Sylva Beer Trail is a great place for beer lovers and travelers alike. This self-guided tour takes you through the beautiful scenery of Western North Carolina to find and taste the best craft beers in the area. Join us as we go on a tasty trip to...
Going to the grocery store is a dredded chore for so many people! What if the grocery cart you push just might save your life? It could be a trip to the grocery store that saves your life. Grocery carts are being used to diagnose atrial fibrillation,...
As summer temps rise and the heat gets worse, there's nothing better than a homemade snow cone to cool you off. Skipping the store-bought ones and making your own snow cones will take you on a tasty and creative adventure. In this blog post, we'll ta...
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