High levels of emotionality and conscientiousness are indicators for stockpiling behaviorDate:June 12, 2020Source:Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary AnthropologySummary:People who feel more threatened by COVID-19 and rank highly on scales of emoti...
National Library of Medicine -- 1991 National Center Biotechnology Information R J David 1, J W Collins Jr Affiliations expand PMID: 1842536 Pubmed Abstract The gap between black and white infant death rates in the United States has grown over ...
Where is the London Bridge? Obvious answer, in london, right? Nope! This has to fall under the category of "How Odd." I was really surprised to learn that not only is London Bridge not in the city of London, but it's here in the United States. So, yo...
Brunswick County Schools responded to questions on their FaceBook page about Joann Tucker. Tucker's Facebook post went viral on social media. The meme, a noose included the words "If we can't make America great again we will have to make evil people ...
WHO DO YOU #WEARORANGE FOR? The #WearOrange Campaign and National Gun Violence Awareness Day was inspired by Chicago teens who refused to be silent in the face of gun violence after their 15-year-old friend, Hadiya Pendleton, was killed by a stray bu...
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