
 Date: January 7, 2021Source:University of New South WalesSummary:Men and women aged over 50 can reap similar relative benefits from resistance training, a new study shows.Men and women aged over 50 can reap similar relative benefits from resist...
  1.   Monday, 11 January 2021
  2.   Wnctimes Blog
  3. 0 Comments
I sit here on Christmas Eve 2020, it's raining, seems fitting .... so much sadness,so much griefNo end in sight as illness and deaths rise,no sign of relief. Words to a song comes to mind from a long time ago by John Lennon Happy Xmas (War is Ov...
  1.   Thursday, 24 December 2020
  2.   Wnctimes Blog
  3. 0 Comments
Dr. Jill Biden was trending on Twitter this morning. I was curious as to why, so I clicked on it and was surprised at what I found.  There was an article written by Joseph Epstein in the editorial section of the Washington Street Journal. I...
  1.   Saturday, 12 December 2020
  2.   Wnctimes Blog
  3. 0 Comments
Hard to believe it was 40 years ago today, John Lennon, a man of peace, was shot and killed. His music and his words will live forever.  It's hard for a lot of people to understand the impact of John's death. He was just 40 years old, yet he was...
  1.   Tuesday, 08 December 2020
  2.   Wnctimes Blog
  3. 0 Comments
CLEVELAND (AP) — A customer left a $3,000 tip for a single beer as a restaurant voluntarily closed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.  The man walked into Nighttown on Sunday in Cleveland, ordered the beer and asked for the check, which came to $...
  1.   Monday, 23 November 2020
  2.   Spoon Full of Positive
  3. 0 Comments
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