By Marge on Wednesday, 07 September 2022
Category: Wnctimes Blog

What's the Word? What's with People?

What's the Word? Well, today we look at how people act, react, and just are...

Accismus: the act of acting like you don't care about something when you really do. Example When someone acts like he doesn't want the last donut, when he really does.

Fractious: irritable and quarrelsome: The fractious child would not listen to a word his mother said.

Imperious:bossy and domineering for no good reason. "His attitude is imperious sometimes."

Paucity : scarcity "There seems to be a paucity of common sense in so many people,"

Solipsist: extremely self-absorbed and doesn't think about the perspectives or needs of others. "She was a solipsist and was not particularly concerned with other people wanted to do."

So, track these words, they come in handy, remember them when you want to expand your vocabulary. And of course, scrabble!

Have fun with new words!

Marjorie Farrington

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