By Marge on Friday, 18 March 2022
Category: Wnctimes Blog

What's The Word? Oh, That Sounds Fancy!

Well, it's about time for a new What's The Word? Let's look at words that have simple meanings, but sound oh so fancy!

Galavant: To travel, roam, or move about for pleasure.
Example: They've been galavanting all over town!

Parsimonious: Frugal.
Example "He's being a little parsimonious,"

Assiduous: Showing great care, attention, and effort
Example: I would like to commend you for your assiduous work on this case.

Deleterious:  Harmful
Example: Parental divorce usually has deleterious effects on children.

Excrogiaitate: Devise

He's great at excogitating reasons not to do his work done. 

Fortuitous: happening by accident or chance.

Example: I arrived a a fortuitous time.

Nonchalant:  carefree, unbothered

Example: I took it seriously, but he was nonchant about it.

So, Fancy that! We learned some new words today! Words that sound kind of fancy, maybe we can add them into our vocabulary! Or, just as with all of the What's The Word, you can add them to your scrabble game words!

If nothing else, it's just kind of fun!

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