By Marge on Sunday, 19 September 2021
Category: Wnctimes Blog

What's The Word? Hmmm...something we all can be at times!

Sunday September 19, 2021

What's The Word?

It was created to learn new words...why?

Why not?

Keep learning. Besides, it could help expand your vocabulary or at least maybe just give you extra points in Scrabble!

"His thinking has ossified as he's grown older; he won't accept new ideas."

"The system has been ossified for too long."

Today's What's The Word is something we really can all can be sometimes...

stuborn, won't's not just for the old, any age can fit this...

We all have a certain mindset about certain things or certain ways of 

doing things!

Word definition: Found in trusty old Merraim-Webster!

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