By Marge on Thursday, 08 October 2020
Category: Wnctimes Blog

Pence's Non Answer When Asked What Happens if ACA Overturned

Wnctimes -- It's all over the news... how Harris 'refused to answer the question.' 

The question asked by Susan Page, the monorator to Pence was how people with pre-existing conditions would be protected if the Affordable Care Act was overturned.

Instead of answering the question he was asked, Pence began talking about abortion and then asked his own question to Harris 'Are you and Joe Biden going to pack the court?'

The focus is on Harris not answering Pence's question instead of Pence not answering the real question asked. 

Let's focus on the fact that Pence did not answer an important question which has everything to do with what Americans who face loss of coverage. Not just pre-existing conditions, but the price of insurance. 

Pence and Harris battle over Supreme Court, court packing | VP Debate - YouTube

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