By Marge on Saturday, 26 October 2019
Category: Wnctimes Blog

Halloween Games!

Toilet Paper Mummy Game

First up, you'll need several rolls of Toilet Paper. Be sure not to grab a super-cheap brand because it will tear too easily Once you have your supplies, it's on to the game! RULES: In a class room setting, I divide the room into about 4 teams (depending on class size) with 4-5 kids on each team. Within the team, they choose one person to be the mummy. All of the others each get a roll of toilet paper. When the signal is given, they start wrapping their mummy in toilet paper.
WINNER: you can run the game two different ways. I normally say the first team to use up all of their TP wins. Another option is to say that first team to cover their mummy entirely wins. Both ways are fun!

Pop Goes the Orange Balloon Game

This would be so easy to set up- stuff the balloons with slips of paper that have prize names written on them to be claThis would be so easy to set up- stuff the balloons with slips of paper that have prize names written on them to be claimed later.

Find more fun DIY Halloween Games @ Link Below!

22+ Halloween Party Games for Kids.

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