By Marge on Friday, 12 July 2019
Category: Spoon Full of Positive

Friday Feeling!

It's Friday! You've made it to the end of another working week, and for those of us who don't work weekends, two blissful days of relaxing and socialising lie ahead. But what if you've not got that Friday feeling just yet? There's still time - here are 10 ways to get in the mood for a great weekend! 

#1. Do something new
Make some plans - go on a road trip, try a new sport or activity, sign up for an event or just explore a part of your city you've never seen before. Making exciting plans for your weekend means you'll be buzzing with Friday feeling!

#2. Soak up the sun
Head for a couple of drinks with friends after work and make the most of the sun - if you're drinking, there are some choices that are healthier than others. You could even pack a picnic and head for your local park, if you have the afternoon off, to soak up some vitamin D and get an instant mood boost!
#3. Let it go
Ruminating over the stresses and strains of the week, or worrying about next week, can leave you feeling stressed and tired. Put it behind you - the week is almost over and you have the opportunity to fix any mistakes or solve any problems next week. Let things go and learn to switch off when you finish work on a Friday - that way you'll have something to look forward to. If you have work email on your phone, try ignoring it from the time you leave the office until Monday morning (or Sunday night, if you really must check it) and you'll soon be in a weekend mood! 

#4. Get your endorphins flowing
If you've woken up feeling sluggish or been battling deadlines all day, welcome to the club! A lunchtime workout can help to energise you and get your endorphins flowing, boosting your mood and making it more likely the rest of your day will be positive. A yoga class, fitness bootcamp at your local park, run around the block or even a bodyweight workout in your office can all help to give you that Friday feeling!

#5. Tick off that to-do list
Cut your to-do list down to the most essential tasks for today and enjoy ticking them off one by one. By 5pm, you should have a completed list and a sense of achievement that will make you feel good for the rest of the weekend! Don't fall into the trap of creating to-do lists that are more than 10 items long - you're never going to get through everything that way and it can make you feel de-motivated

#6. Head for the seaside
There's nothing like funfair rides, chips on the beach and maybe even a spot of surfing to give you that Friday feeling, so why not head for the seaside after work! A weekend in Brighton or Blackpool, or even Cornwall - great for surfers - could be the break you need to get your mojo back, and all that sea air and sunshine will leave you looking and feeling great. Plus, morning runs on the beach are amazing!

#7. Pump up the volume
Have a mountain of paperwork to get through this afternoon and feeling like you're never going to see the end of it? Pop your headphones in and crank up the volume on your favourite songs to motivate you. Choose upbeat tracks that keep your mood boosted and ensure you don't suffer from mid-afternoon slump. You'll be surprised how good you'll feel! #8. #8. 

#8 Grab a bargain
Why not treat yourself with a spot of online shopping and pick up a bargain in time for the weekend? You can get 5% off your entire order at MuscleFood right now (click through to our blog post for full details) so you could order some healthy breakfasts or snacks for next week. Or why not sign up for sites like Groupon and Wowcher and take advantage of the deals they offer on health and beauty treatments? A relaxing massage or pampering spa treatment is just what you need to get that Friday feeling!

9. Stop for a second
When you're stressed out with deadlines at work, rushing around looking after your kids or have a million tasks to complete, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. Taking a one-minute timeout for meditation can banish stress and get your mood back on track.

#10. Lighten up
Friday is not only the end of the week, it's the start of the weekend! That means its time to have some fun and lighten up - it's not a day for feeling anxious, stressed or sad. Try to do at least one thing that makes you happy today, whether that's calling a friend or family member, meeting friends for a drink (or a workout at the gym), or even cooking a delicious healthy meal after work. It's time to get that Friday feeling! 

Check out more great articles where we found this awesome one below!

10 Ways to get that Friday feeling!

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